Sunday, March 28, 2010

Marcus got to meet the Easter Bunny!

This weekend, Kath and Wes came into town with Noah (Jennifer and Jody were on their way back from a cruise). Kath, Wes, Noah, Sheri, Brent, Beck, Jeff, Marcus and myself all went out to dinner at Maggiano's and then headed over to Willow Bend mall so the toddlers could play on the playground. On our way into the mall was the Easter Bunny. Beck was so excited to meet the Easter Bunny that he ran up and sat next to him while another little girl and boy were trying to get ready to have their picture. It was soo cute!! He and Noah had their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny, but I wasn't sure if Marcus needed his taken. After we watched the boys play at the playground, Jeff and I left the family to take Marcus home. There wasn't anyone at the Easter Bunny, so we decided to have Marcus meet the Easter Bunny for his first Easter. He was a good little boy and just stared at the Bunny.

We are so thankful for this time of year and this little man in our lives!

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